【Seminar】Beginner Level Hang High Snatch Seminar Koji Morita

This seminar is about one of the basic movements for quick lift beginners, hang high snatch. You can master the movement, hang high snatch, in this seminar.

Workshop guide

Date and time


AM group: 8:30-10:00

PM group: 13:00-14:00


ONI GYM 24 Machiya TOKYO Weightlifting Platform




ONI GYM 24 members

¥7000(Tax Included)

Not ONI GYM 24 members

¥8000(Tax Included)

※This cost includes visitor fee as well, so you can train in ONI GYM 24 before and after the session till the staff hour ends.

※Both takes system fee: ¥220 (Tax Included)

Trainer Introduction

Koji Morita


2014 National High School Weightlifting Competition 62kg class 3rd

2016 National Junior Weightlifting Competition 62kg 2nd

2018 Eastern Japan Student Individual Weightlifting Competition 69kg 1st

2019 National University Weightlifting Competition Ⅰ group 67kg 3rd

2019 National Student Weightlifting Competition 67kg 2nd

2021 National Weightlifting Competition 61kg 2nd

He has been instructing weightlifters and crossfitters with the knowledge from the older of university and ex weightlifting snatch world record holder’s coaching.


1.About Hang Snatch

2.Hand breadth and Foot beadth

3.High Snatch goal style

4.Second pull from start position

5.Second pull and triple extension

6.Catch movement

7.Hang high snatch


This’s the merit of ONI GYM 24 Workshop

・Wide weightlifting area reserved, small number of people only, mainly practice training

・Instructor is an active weightlifting athlete and has been a champion in school days.

・ONI GYM 24 facility available freely before and after workshop

Workshop view

Hang snatch workshop video


Cancel Policy

If the request is cancelled by January 4th, ONI GYM 24 Machiya TOKYO will have the whole seminar fee refunded.

If the request is canceled from January 5th by January 7th, ONI GYM 24 Machiya TOKYO will have 50% of the seminar fee refunded.

If the cancelation is on the date before or the date, ONI GYM 24 Machiya TOKYO won’t have the membership fee refunded.


Hang snatch AM group order: here

Hang snatch PM group order: here